Define Reality - HAPPY VALENTINES DAY PEOPLE!! from Jake,David & Staff
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Define Reality - HAPPY VALENTINES DAY PEOPLE!! from Jake,David & Staff
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Define Reality - HAPPY VALENTINES DAY PEOPLE!! from Jake,David & Staff
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Define Reality - HAPPY VALENTINES DAY PEOPLE!! from Jake,David & Staff

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PostSubject: Keeping you updated!   Keeping you updated! EmptyThu Feb 10, 2011 8:06 pm

Hey guys, jake here (obviously) just going to tell you whats happened upto date.

first off i CANNOT get a vps anymore as some little f*cker hacked back the account i was selling and the buyer canceled the payment (FFS). So we'll just make do with no vps for now. Wont be long untill the donators come and we can afford it.

Also ben stated earlier the server WILL be up by saturday-sunday! (weeheeey) so get your nerd glasses on and prepair to be nerds again ;D

The staff will get your ranks in game within 10 minutes. We will also find out for sure of the ingame commands. portals, bosses and everything. Dont get your hopes up to high as if we find a dupe or bug or something the server might have to go down for a few minutes to get it fixed! Apart from this, thats it!

Lets hope ben doesnt have a laggy internet :p
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