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Define Reality - HAPPY VALENTINES DAY PEOPLE!! from Jake,David & Staff
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Define Reality - HAPPY VALENTINES DAY PEOPLE!! from Jake,David & Staff
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title, background and donating! I_vote_lcap39%title, background and donating! I_vote_rcap
 39% [ 9 ]
title, background and donating! I_vote_lcap61%title, background and donating! I_vote_rcap
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title, background and donating! Empty
PostSubject: title, background and donating!   title, background and donating! EmptyMon Oct 11, 2010 7:43 pm

well im going to order a new bank card today so i should be able to make a donating system within a week or 2. Also the title and background isnt too shabby, i was looking for a GFX artist last night and the cheapest one i found was $5 for a full page (that included editing forum) but we dont need it editing.. sooo i dismissed that one. other people charge like $10-$15for both.
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