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Define Reality Owner
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PostSubject: suggestions! chip in!   suggestions! chip in! EmptyFri Dec 10, 2010 10:42 am

Right guys the servers being coded so now is the best time to put forth your ideas.
I'll get the ball rolling.
(Remember to use the correct format)

Suggestion: fully working duel arena

Why will it benefit the server: be fairly attractive to new players

What will the players get out of this: allow people to stake out of the wild in a safe environment and let them stake fairly. Players can also fight for fun or even learn to pk here.

Suggestion: pvp armour can only be gained as a pk drop + good bonuses on them (low drop chance on all)
Why will it benefit the server: it will attract pkers and will boost the eco of the server.

What will the players get out of this?: The enjoyment of pking with a chance of a good reward aswell as the loot from the pk. Players can use this armour for pking or take it to bosses to use.

Suggestion: curse prayers (if possible)

Why will it benefit the server: be a great addition to the server and will boost the excitement of the server

What will the players get out of this?: enjoyment of pking with new prayers, better hits then using regular prayers.

Post your ideas below we need to rake a few in from our players. We treat each and every suggestion fairly and we pick the most beneficial ideas that will be added to the server.

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PostSubject: Re: suggestions! chip in!   suggestions! chip in! EmptyFri Dec 10, 2010 6:27 pm

Ok, so i have suggestions, but... Its not really ingame suggestion. I'm more of a forums person than ingame, is it ok if i chip in some forums advise?
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Define Reality Owner
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PostSubject: Re: suggestions! chip in!   suggestions! chip in! EmptyFri Dec 10, 2010 6:32 pm

Sure, as I said all suggestions are welcome.
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PostSubject: Re: suggestions! chip in!   suggestions! chip in! EmptyFri Dec 10, 2010 6:39 pm

Ah, didn't see that there...

Ok, so. One thing i know in alot of my forums, are something called a miscellaneous Thread, known as 'Wibbles'(somewhere were you can troll and not get introuble, just no racism/pornography are basicly the rules)

A name change system(forums and online both) payed like ingame money/real money(paypal). If they want a name change without starting over with another account they can pay a mod/admin(owner for everything) to change there name, and everything they do it, it doubles(not sure on a price)

A 'Hall Of Shame' Would be helpful. you would be able to find threads that do not belong anywhere and you can move them to the hall of shame area. This is just to keep the forums clean other than the Wibbles thread. but even than some threads are made to go in there.

Thats all i have for now, i can come up with some other things later and will post them.

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Define Reality Owner
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PostSubject: Re: suggestions! chip in!   suggestions! chip in! EmptyFri Dec 10, 2010 6:43 pm

We'll review them and let you know. I'll get in touch with david and pass on the suggestions to him. If we agree we'll apply them to the forums.

If you have anymore ideas, wacky or not we do review them and take them into possibilities. Keep them coming.
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PostSubject: Re: suggestions! chip in!   suggestions! chip in! EmptyFri Dec 10, 2010 6:46 pm

Ahh, i know this is probably already in action, but, Any mod/admin/owner, already have colored names, thats good for telling who's who. But maybe people who are donor's don't have a colored name, maybe something like a + on forums and ingame, so you can tell there not part of the squad, and you can tell who's who better.
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Define Reality Owner
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PostSubject: Re: suggestions! chip in!   suggestions! chip in! EmptyFri Dec 10, 2010 6:54 pm

Taken into consideration Smile
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PostSubject: Re: suggestions! chip in!   suggestions! chip in! EmptyFri Dec 10, 2010 7:03 pm

Sorry I'm posting here so much... but you know, lol. I have idea's poping into my head on and off.

Ok so, this is more on the clan based forums... so something on how to get a clan started(a thread) And a 'Sub-Forum' on the clans forum, that shows Official clans.

The regular posts on the clan thread, would just be non official clans.

The official clans again, something like 'Clan admins' would be helpful, someone who moderates that section of the forums, they would go threw looking for official clans, that died out and can be removed from Sub forums for official clans.

the official clans would be official by sending ingame money(no real this time) to become official. But before they do that, they need to meet the requirements first, such as 1. the clan must be active for at least 2 weeks before applying. And so on, No spamming.

heres another whole topic, a system that makes it so if you 'double post' it merges it with the previous post. it would stop the whole double post thing, if you guys don't like that. Because it does get annoying...

And everything I am suggesting has alot of confusing coding i know ): sorry (but there somewhat good ideas, Would do them myself but im to stupid)
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Define Reality Owner
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PostSubject: Re: suggestions! chip in!   suggestions! chip in! EmptyFri Dec 10, 2010 7:14 pm

We can use forum admins/ mods to overlook all forum sections but I'll get david to check it out and see what he says.
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Define Reality Owner
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PostSubject: Re: suggestions! chip in!   suggestions! chip in! EmptyFri Dec 10, 2010 9:29 pm

Suggestion: rares should either be 1% drops from bosses or obtained as prizes

Why this will benefit thie server?: boost the eco a lot and give the server an exciting edge.

What will the players get out of this?: the chance to own a rare worth billions street price. They can be traded at shops for items and stuff... Also not many people will have rares Smile
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Define Reality Owner
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PostSubject: Re: suggestions! chip in!   suggestions! chip in! EmptyFri Dec 10, 2010 10:03 pm

hacks, about a lot of your ideas... I love them, I really do. BUT! the forums service I am currently using cannot support the additions you are suggesting. We will have to wait until we get some donations before we purcahse a great forums base in which some of these add ons will be integrated.
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PostSubject: Re: suggestions! chip in!   suggestions! chip in! EmptyFri Dec 10, 2010 10:56 pm

David wrote:
hacks, about a lot of your ideas... I love them, I really do. BUT! the forums service I am currently using cannot support the additions you are suggesting. We will have to wait until we get some donations before we purcahse a great forums base in which some of these add ons will be integrated.

Dam, so we need more money to add more features basically?
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Define Reality Owner
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PostSubject: Re: suggestions! chip in!   suggestions! chip in! EmptySat Dec 11, 2010 8:57 am

Yeah I work irl but it all goes out on petrol and car insurance atm so I can't afford it otherwise I'd get a new forum Smile
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PostSubject: Re: suggestions! chip in!   suggestions! chip in! EmptyMon Dec 13, 2010 1:47 pm

we need more incentives for donating than just donator status, i think we should get RARE items, cash, or other thing's. i will go into more detail later because i got to go to lunch, i'm at school.
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Define Reality Owner
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PostSubject: Re: suggestions! chip in!   suggestions! chip in! EmptyMon Dec 13, 2010 2:10 pm

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PostSubject: Re: suggestions! chip in!   suggestions! chip in! EmptyMon Dec 13, 2010 7:11 pm

Jake wrote:
Suggestion: rares should either be 1% drops from bosses or obtained as prizes

Why this will benefit thie server?: boost the eco a lot and give the server an exciting edge.

What will the players get out of this?: the chance to own a rare worth billions street price. They can be traded at shops for items and stuff... Also not many people will have rares Smile
Jake, what i might do is have owners, and admins have a command to spawn 1 of each rare. And they only get to use it once. and i might scatter all rares to be found across the whole Server. poeple who find them, keep them. But theres only one of each, once they get found, thats it. Poeple will be able to trade them in the grand exchange (Current project) and with other players.(WARNING! RARES will be extremely hard to find!)
~~~~~------- THERE WILL BE TRADE LIMIT IN THE SERVER!!!!!!!! SO THERES NO SCAMMERS!!!!!!!!!--------------~~~~~~~ Hope you enjoy Smile
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PostSubject: Re: suggestions! chip in!   suggestions! chip in! EmptyMon Dec 13, 2010 7:19 pm

Hacks wrote:
Ah, didn't see that there...

Ok, so. One thing i know in alot of my forums, are something called a miscellaneous Thread, known as 'Wibbles'(somewhere were you can troll and not get introuble, just no racism/pornography are basicly the rules)

A name change system(forums and online both) payed like ingame money/real money(paypal). If they want a name change without starting over with another account they can pay a mod/admin(owner for everything) to change there name, and everything they do it, it doubles(not sure on a price)

A 'Hall Of Shame' Would be helpful. you would be able to find threads that do not belong anywhere and you can move them to the hall of shame area. This is just to keep the forums clean other than the Wibbles thread. but even than some threads are made to go in there.

Thats all i have for now, i can come up with some other things later and will post them.

Hacks, Im might put in a Wall of Shame, and a Wall of fame into the game. That will basically show the best players to roam D.R. Ever, and the Wall of Shame will be a list of all the hackers, scammers, that were cought. People who get into the wall of Fame will get 1 rare of there choice, or an item of there choice, (has to be an item in game) if you dont want a rare, and 100 PK points which will be used to get the best armor in game ( vesta. zuriel. sprit shields, etc...). people who are in the Wall of shame get 1 strike, 3 strikes your perm- banned. HOPE YOU ENJOY. i showed my firend a sneek peek of the server becuase hes coded one of the best servers online, and he said it'll probably be the in the top 5 of most played servers :DDDD SO EXCITED!!!!111
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Define Reality Owner
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PostSubject: Re: suggestions! chip in!   suggestions! chip in! EmptyMon Dec 13, 2010 7:23 pm

Yeah do that to start off, only owners get spawm tho. Cus we're going to hold seasonal events ect and the winner recieves the seasonal rare, it'll only be held once a year and only one event on that day. (So in like 10 years there will be 10 party hats) sorta thing.

Easter event - bunny ears, sythe, basket, easter egg, easter ring

Halloween - skeleton armour, pumpkin head, halloween masks, disk of returning

Xmas - partyhat, sledge

If someone wins say the easter event they will win 1 item from the corrisponding list.. I.E sythe or bunny ears

This way they are rare but not so rare no one will trade them.

May I also suggest tokens to be exchanged for money or money for tokens in a shop? So then you don't have to buy crappy items u can stack the gp up in tokens and exchange tokens for money.
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Define Reality Owner
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PostSubject: Re: suggestions! chip in!   suggestions! chip in! EmptyMon Dec 13, 2010 7:27 pm

Is it possible for you to make like 3-4 custom items? It'll be more then enough for the server. We're going to make customs donator only with lower then 1% drop chamce so they're rare too.
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Define Reality Owner
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PostSubject: Re: suggestions! chip in!   suggestions! chip in! EmptyTue Dec 14, 2010 12:36 am

Personally I say we make rares for donators who donate a certain amount (high amount) this will keep them super rare and will also give donators more reason to donate. Thus we would receive more money
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PostSubject: Re: suggestions! chip in!   suggestions! chip in! EmptyTue Dec 14, 2010 4:09 am

Fucking hate work! 8am in the freezing cold! But I think that certain rares are donator (like masks, disk of returning and green, purple and yellow phat. The others are extremly rare boss drops... Orr get cxmas crackers as drops with like 5% chance of recieveing a phat if opened ( crackers will be rare drops aswell) so its extremly hard to get a phat (so they stay rare forever.

Or 1 last suggestions - all normal phats are donator and the phats like mithril, barrows, black ect are rare drops ingame. ?? Post your thoughts guys
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In-Game mod
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PostSubject: Re: suggestions! chip in!   suggestions! chip in! EmptyTue Dec 14, 2010 8:44 am

that makes a lot of since mate, and what about mask's? and ele, we need those in game because i got an awesome skiller look and i use ele and a h'ween mask.
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In-Game mod
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PostSubject: Re: suggestions! chip in!   suggestions! chip in! EmptyTue Dec 14, 2010 8:46 am

here's what i think, wouldn't define reality be more fun if clue scrolls were added? I think it would ;D it gives an opportunity to people that are really poor to have the chance to get something rare from a clue scroll i'm sure everybody else would enjoy the game even more if clue
scrolls were added the rewards can be chosen by the define reality staff or a poll could be set up to ask people what they would like to get as a clue scroll reward its just a suggestion so if u want to comment that's fine by me Smile
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In-Game mod
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PostSubject: Re: suggestions! chip in!   suggestions! chip in! EmptyTue Dec 14, 2010 8:49 am

sorry for triple post but, here is something i got off another website.

Here it goes.

Items required : 1 rope, 2 planks, 1 knife and 2 oak logs.

How to get this items :
Rope can be bought in General shop.
For getting the planks u need to :
Chop down 2 oak logs. Oak logs can be found new Barb.
Knife can be bought in general shop.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Avenus New Quest for get more active players.

Use Oak logs on Knife and you'll get Plank.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Avenus New Quest for get more active players.


1 : You have to do ::wedding teleport.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Avenus New Quest for get more active players.

2 : When u'r in wedding u have to run a bit. Use rope on well and u will get to a new place.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Avenus New Quest for get more active players.

3 : After you used the rope on the "well" u will get down to this place.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Avenus New Quest for get more active players.

4 : Follow the marked zone (can be a gold arrow like minigames ones) and u will reach to some moss giants.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Avenus New Quest for get more active players.

5 : Finally you'r there. Now u need to kill 2 moss giants and u will get a reward Smile

I don't know what's the reward.. but the quest content is important.
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PostSubject: Re: suggestions! chip in!   suggestions! chip in! EmptyTue Dec 14, 2010 9:06 am

Masks will highly probably be donator only although ben is going to drop 1 of each rare for anyone to pick up. So they stay rare.

Clue scrolls - YES YES YES! Love the idea, love clues and I love the rewards. We would need items like 3a and god armour to be top rewards but its like 20% on god rune armour and 5-10% on 3A armour, just an idea.. We can always throw in junk too like rune scims, iron ect.

And the quest is a good idea. I like that idea. Gives the server added fun and an edge above the rest.

And I just thought, what about whips from abby demons and d bows from dark beast - only way to get them (other then trade). So even whips are worth something. Gives players something to do (train slayer) would be great fun!
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