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Define Reality - HAPPY VALENTINES DAY PEOPLE!! from Jake,David & Staff
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Define Reality - HAPPY VALENTINES DAY PEOPLE!! from Jake,David & Staff

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 Define Reality rules

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Define Reality Owner

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Define Reality rules Empty
PostSubject: Define Reality rules   Define Reality rules EmptySun Oct 10, 2010 12:10 am

The rules of Define Reality are, but are not limited to, the rules below.

I. Any misuse/misconduct will be handles by the appropriate staff.
A. Any foul laguage or cruel commentary directed at or in third person to a staff member of any kind will be handled with great care and will result in no less then a ban.
B.Staff members have authority over all players.
C.Staff members will be monitored by higher ranking staff members.

II. Any abuses of power among staff members will result in no less then a demote.
A. If powers are used when uneccesary or if excess punishments are used against the accused without an official notice from an owner of Define Reality, the consequences will be assessed by an owner.
B. If a player receives a reduced punishment because of a staff member is close friends with the accused, the consequences will be assessed by an owner.
C. In correspondence with section II, Part B, If the accused member receives reduced punishment because of past knowledge of the actions of the member in question, Punishments will most likely not be enforced onto said staff member. With this in mind, it is reccommended that all reduced punishments receive a permit from an owner.

III. All rule breaking will be handled in a prompt manner.
A. Any and all rule breakers must be reported to the appropriate section of the forums.
B. If reported, your report should be handled by the proper staff member (depending on seriousness) within no less then 48 hours.
C. Any unhandled claims will be bumped to top of priorities immediately and delt with ASAP by a higher ranking staff member.

IV. Any and all powers given to a staff member of any rank will be handled by an owner.
A. A mod can only rule a player guilty or unguilty if the issue would happen to result in a mute.
B. An admin can only rule a player guilty or unguilty is the issue would happen to result in a ban.
C. An owner can only rule a player guilty or unguilty is the issue would happen to result in an IP ban.
D. Although a staff member can only rule on the corresponding consequence, or a consequence of lower rank, that same staff member can give any input or information on the ruling of a higher ranked consequence. (ex: Mod can give information to an owner about why a member should or shouldn't be IP banned... although this may or may not influence the final ruling)
E. At any point in time, an owner can over rule any and/or all rulings from previous cases.

V. Any of the below instances can be, but are not required, to be ruled with these consequences if found guilty. (keep in Mind "the rules are, but are not limited to the rules below" for this part of rules.)
A. Possible Mute:
No excessive flaming.
No flaming ANY staff members.
No website advertisement.
All autotypers can be set to 4seconds or greater. Nothing under 4 seconds is allowed.
B. Possible Ban:
Advertising for other servers.
No duping.
Attacking non-combat or speaking NPCs. (do not use magic on them)
Luring unknowing players. (within reason)
C. Possible IP Ban:
Major spam resulting in lagging or the server or a server crash.

Last edited by David on Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:12 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Major additions/reformatting)
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