Define Reality - HAPPY VALENTINES DAY PEOPLE!! from Jake,David & Staff
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Clan Rules Partyhat
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Define Reality - HAPPY VALENTINES DAY PEOPLE!! from Jake,David & Staff
Welcome to Define Reality!
Clan Rules Partyhat
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Define Reality - HAPPY VALENTINES DAY PEOPLE!! from Jake,David & Staff
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Define Reality - HAPPY VALENTINES DAY PEOPLE!! from Jake,David & Staff

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Clan Rules I_vote_lcap39%Clan Rules I_vote_rcap
 39% [ 9 ]
Clan Rules I_vote_lcap61%Clan Rules I_vote_rcap
 61% [ 14 ]
Total Votes : 23


 Clan Rules

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Clan Rules Empty
PostSubject: Clan Rules   Clan Rules EmptyFri Dec 10, 2010 7:14 pm

1. Your clan's topic should be informative and welcoming, if you want it to go anywhere. Overuse of smilies isn't allowed. 3 at most.

2. Do not start your own clan's poll. Polls are over and done with.

3. Be respectful of each other, no flaming, etc etc. You've heard it all before. If you're being too harsh, I'll ask/tell you to stop. If you won't stop flaming, I'll deny your access to Clan Discussion. It won't be tolerated.

4. Necromancy is now allowed, but you must submit a formal application of reinstatement before I decide to revive it.

5. If you're going to make a topic, it's either a [DSC] about your clan, or something that's generally useful. Anything without a purpose will be deleted for organizational purposes.

6. If your clan looks to be inactive, a warning will be posted on your forum. If you or a fellow clan member don't/doesn't answer it within a week, your clan is considered "dead" and will be removed.

7. No buying and selling clan leadership. Too likely to just end up with an entirely new clan getting a board without going through the process.

Rules are subject to change.
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